Universal design for learning (UDL)

A training approach for the digital age

Universal design for learning (UDL) is a training approach that attempts to encompass the necessities and capacities of all learners in the educational experience.

This implies fostering an adaptable learning system in which data is introduced in more than one way, and learners participate in various ways in addition learners are given choices while exhibiting their learning.

Universal Design for Learning promotes for accessibility and comprehensive instructional methodologies that address the issues and capacities of the all learners. This approach is based on scientific insights into how humans learn.

Universal Design for Learning Three Principles

  • Why?

    Provide multiple means of engagement. Why is this material applicable to the learner and their own objectives, personal goals and inspirations? View the strategies that are outlined in the Universal Design for Learning Guidelines version 2.0.

  • What?

    Provide multiple means of representation. What are learners generally expected to connect with in order to be successful in the program? View Universal Design for Learning Guidelines version 2.0. for more information.

  • How?

    Provide multiple means of action and expression. How will learners participate in various opportunities for growth and exhibit what they know and what they are realizing? Techniques are outlined in the Universal Design for Learning Guidelines version 2.0.

Custom Counts. Our Children Matter.

Innovation is propelling our ability to offer an digital and adaptable networks for learners, which is invigorating in light of the fact that this adaptability can uphold expanded opportunities for learners who may not in any case have the chance to seek after advanced learning activities. Planning a program that is more accessible and inclusive assists in supporting learning success and skill attainment is a necessity for this day and time.

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Reference: The UDL Guidelines. Center for Applied Special Technology [Internet]; 2022. Available from: https://udlguidelines.cast.org/.